
このページでは【 kush 】の意味を解説しています。

kush – 英語


  • Kush


ヒンドゥー語 Kush


  • IPA(key): /kʊʃ/

> 名詞 
 ̄Y^Y^Y ̄


  1. クッシュ。マリファナ。大麻。特にインディカ。
by Jonathan Olsen-Koziol on Unsplash


It’s nothin’ we can do now, somebody walked in with a pound
Of that Bay Area kush, she looked at me, then looked

でも俺らには何もできない 誰かが1ポンドを持ってきたから
それはベイエリアのクッシュ 彼女は俺を見て それを見た

A.D.H.D – Kendrick Lamar

Its pungent aroma is an unmistakable kush characteristic and is musky and earthy with a sniff of pine. It promotes feelings of happiness coupled with sleepiness and is a great way to end the evening. For anyone looking to relieve pain or beat insomnia, this is the live resin for you.


The Weed Blog – Most Popular Indica Live Resin Strains By Night

Keep in mind, the marijuana today is like rocket fuel based on the kush of the 90’s. The THC concentration is thousands of times stronger and can cause medical overdoses that were once thought impossible with marijuana alone. The heart attacks, arrhythmias, strokes and trauma are up there with other more serious hard drugs.


Eat This, Not That! – Sure Signs You Smoke Too Much Marijuana

In Berger’s telling, he cultivated the strain in Florida from a random bag of flower he got from a friend in 1992. Another friend, impressed by the strain’s frosty colas, said the buds resembled “kushberries,” which was then shortened to “kush.”


wm – What does OG mean in weed?


  1. marijuana, Cannabis indica

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